Intro to Growing Golden Teacher Mushrooms

Growing Golden Teacher Mushrooms
Golden Teacher mushrooms have become popular among home growers thanks to their relatively easy cultivation process and distinctive golden caps. Here’s how to grow these fascinating fungi at home.
What You’ll Need
Growing Golden Teacher can be easy or hard, given your likely just learning lets do it the easy way. Get your self a all in one grow bag, personally I have been using grow bags and have had good results. More importantly the one issue I did have they made it right. Lots of companies say they stand by their product it seems Zombie actually does. This bag 5lb Grow bag is perfect for starting out. I am no affiliated with the at all as of March 02, 2025, maybe if you mention me in your purchase they can change that. Next you need some liquid culture, sure you can do spores but don’t just don’t for your first try. Its been a long time since I have actually purchases any liquid culture so I can not really suggesting anyone at this time. If you really want to go with spores I highly suggest inoculatetheworld another company who I know stands behind their products.
Step-by-Step Growing Process
Ideally wear a pair of disposable glove and a covid style face mask. Then sprayed the syringe, bag, and surface down with 70% alcohol from a spray misting bottle. If you don’t have a spay bottle then just fill a paper towel and wipe everything down. Let it all sit for 60 seconds, so it can kill the bad shit. Sterilized the syringe needle in flames until red hot if you have a gas stove this is easy but you can also just use a lighter or candle. I like to let the need cool for a maybe 15 seconds as not to cook the liquid culture on injection, but Zombie suggest you stick it in hot and sacrifice a little of the liquid culture.Put in a cardboard box and the shelf in a cool dark closet.
Let it see for about and have a look at it, if you start to see some white growth our doing good. Let it site for another few days and then break the white stuff up mixing it all around. Let is sit for a another few days and then you can cut some small air holes near the top of the mixture on the bag. You do not want these at the top as you want the top closed to keep in moister. Most of time I find zero need to add moisture unless going for a second flush.
Helpful Tips
Stay patient! Mushroom growing requires time and some minor attention to conditions. Contamination is the biggest challenge for beginners, so keep everything clean.
Keep a growing journal to track your progress and learn from each grow cycle. What works best can vary based on your specific environment.
Harvesting and Storage
Once the tops start to open you need to harvest your Golden Teachers by gently twisting and pulling them from the substrate. Store them in paper bags in the refrigerator if you won’t use them immediately, or dry them for longer storage.
Really I find this stuff fun, at times I can get angry and when you loose a 30 bag its a bummer but its part of learning. I high suggest unless really willing to put in time and effort you stick with simple all in one grow bags. Pressure pots, jars, grains, and all that other stuff can really add up but with a single grow bag you should be able to pull out 1-3 oz (28-85g) of dried material. Given a normal dose is 1-3 grams for beginners that means if you will have 14+ doses. I have had bags that produce three flushes and 4 dry oz that I ended up just throwing out. So yea you can have to much!
One crazy part of how easy mushrooms are to grow is that it highlights driving up the cost by making them illegal. I have spoken to people who have paid 250-300 for a single ounce of dried shrooms. A consistent grower can produce a ounce for less then $20, even taking in time they are making a heck of a markup. I guess thats what we love to do in the USA, create a black market where criminals are able to make a ton of unreported income and some politician can feel like they are doing something by putting consumers in jail.